Thursday, January 31, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTY ZABNAL(Dontknow how t really spell)

hmmm, woke up on com, then bathe all that:D
later my cousin jonathan msg--ed me as me wanna meet?
then meet him lo, so took the same bus with ferlyn,Dino& of cause jon.

so reach there le, went mac outside ciga--ed,
after that i went in work lo, then ltr yokehwa& madcow work till 5,
so bbmei, me manyu go had a ciga agn,
but only bbmei & me we have not even start work:D

so i work cashier with my two beloved:D
& with three manager siol, scary bodol.
so after work, had lemon chicken cook--ed by klvin&daniel,
&& after eating gigglypuff came, &after that we celebrat--ed,
aunty zabnal birthday, it was like so fun bodol,
after that went backdoor, & we splash many discusting thing,
like dontknow what siol, even i see le want vomit.

nearly vomit out siol, so after that play--ed card,
& bus--ed home, then gigglypuff&me we both went t cheer,
we bought many thing siol, heeeee.
after that home lo.
goodbye guys:D

boy i really need u,
i miss u by sec)))))))))):

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


hello bloggeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,.
l`m here t post again:D
l`m almost posting my everyday thing.

woke up le. play--ed audi:D
then ltr jon cousin say want meet bo, then i say k.
so went change after playing a few round of audi,
then went took bus& he also took same bus with me .

then we went t plaza & i buy ppc:DDD
then after that went t ciga& lunch--eed at mac:D
nice man!
then after lunch-ed i ciga & went work,

today work cashier with gigglypuff&REENA`jiejie.
& lot of student.
so after work, eat daniel cook de bo flour de chicken.

then after eating manyu , jess& amanda came:D
so went chit-chat& ciga-ed.
after that play card& home.

i felt that no matter where l`m

u're just flashing through my mine.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

just came back from work,
today i slept till 12.30 sia. first time siol.
so bathe-ed & makn my lunch liao, msg-ed girlfs.
she ask me want -ed me her i say okay.

so meet girlfs at compass point.
then ltr got one girl came bang me i thought who bodol.
omgomg, it my foreverfriend<3>
& saw my darling too.
after that bye t my foreverfriend, love her lahs.
she still got thing haven tell me.

so after that went t had a stick& went kor hus.
after that i went work by LRT lahs.
so reach-ed le, saw wenrui, i chai dian forget him liao.
so after that went in work, girlfs came & makan.
sorry girlfs for not treating u. psps.
so lalalalala, dont wish t continue.
bye guy.ssss

is it a mistake for me t love u in the first place?
i alrdy love u le. haix.

Monday, January 28, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY sebestian; my cousin:DDDDD

woke up le, went meet giggly puff.
cause she going ite t apply for the course.
cause her want i cant help.
so pei her go apply.

then meet--ed xingan&xiaoqi at the kopitam.
then we walk--ed t the ite.
after apply le, went makan kfc, goldenfista. 'yummy

after that bus-ed home.
chang-ed & off t work liaos~

cashier with bbmei&shasha:D
fun bodol.
after work , eat with giggly puff,
i makn the chicken without flour. nice man!

after that went xiaoqi hus the void deck sit.
& play-ed psp.
after that home, & i tio gan. gnn,.
hack care lahs.
hello blogger, l`m here t blog. lalala~
today morning went work:D
then it like so tired bodol!
so after work le, went meet my cousin, ferlyn,michelle& lynn,.
we slack--ed ard lohs,
after that went eat mac((((((((:
then went compass lo
after that bus--ed with jon:D
then home----eddddd:DDDD

tired, one work:DDDD

Sunday, January 27, 2008

today morning went work lo.
cant wake up siol.
ytd had a quarrel with cds, i really took u for grant--ed maybe.

sian today do opening myself nahs.
damn it luhs, bodol.
so ard a time i went had a stick with lynn.
shiock bodol:DDDDD

after work, went home alone.
sian bodol.
sad sad sad.

reach home bath--ed
& went hougang mall with parent.
then makan :D,
i makan tomyun ban mian, it so sour. YUCKs, i nvr eat all ups.
so after eating went the blue with parent t buy lip stud.
so after buying went shop:D.
saw one uncle my daddy's friend& ask bout psp,
he say 388 siol package got fifteen game:D
going get it soon, daddy say t me:DDDD
yeah yeah yeah!!!!!
so went pluck eyes brown with mummy after that:D
then home lo:DDDDD

that all,
tml working siol,
&girlfriend, dont sad cheer ups.
i know it tough.
anyway , still got me:DDDDD

Saturday, January 26, 2008

meet, so night time went mall eat lo.
haix, l`m damn sad alright?
after eating le. went home lo.

-not giving u ups
-hope u on9 will talk t me.
-hope we saw each other on street.
-anyway, i want t be with u.

Friday, January 25, 2008

hellos bloggerrrr, sorry for not postng for a long long time .
sorry, cause have been many thing happen this few day,
seen i have not blog.

i`ve been doing some stupidlity thing.
i dontknow why i did that.
maybe i want--ed t try.
but can say abit fun.

&&on wed night, i had a big fight with my kfc colleuge.
she suck alright?
nabei, beat my head&pull my hair.
she thing not pain de ah.
fck lahs. u think u have husband i scare. --nono.-.-
nvm since linda talk t me le, i'll listen.
unless u touch untill me or what, i dontknow what gonna t happen.
sorry for being rude.

&&girlfriend, u'll be aright de.
dont think so much.
anything happen, i'll be there.

cheer ups.
stay away from worries.

mai cries&sad sad.
anything my phone is on for 24/7
call me:DDDDD

l`m totally stress now.
i`m giving up myself le.
till i have t really write it here le
it the long time i`m not stress bout thing le.
now l`m totally stresssss.
felt like crying out loud.
god help me.
i dont want ppl t console me all that,
i want t make those who i love/those ppl who love me/ ppl idk so much happy.
i dont want ppl t care me
but now i cant, i want care&concern liao~
haix haix haix.
i want i want t be happy can god pls tell me.))))))))))))))):

igot nothing t say liao~~
will be blogging everyday.
&&if i nvr blog sorry bloggerrrrr.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

FOREVER FRIEND; u must be happy hohs:D
stay away from worres& be happy:D

finnally i blogg--ed.
let me talk bout sunday2oo1o8.
went t bugis with family:DDD
cause i went over there t buy my cny'shirt.
then my mummy had a fought with a sale girl.
it damn scary, hurhur.
the conversation went like that:
mummy:(she not accidentatly push the salegirl)
salegirl:(must the cheeee sound)
mummy:cheeee what cheeeee
salegirl:ta ma de
mummy:she shouted, what ta ma de, i nvr bring my mother out hors.
dont tama de ta ma de lahs.
salegirl:(kept slience& diao my mummy)
mummy:( she want went off then salegirl dontknow say what)
then i forget liaos.
i just remeber i keep pull my mum aways.
so after that ard 1plus, my di,jon & my di's gf came.
after that went t have a drink at foodcoourt.
so after drinking, di, jon & di's gf went panisular.
so only some went chinatown, cause i also went there look for cny's clothes:D
after that went makan& hommeeeeee.

talk bout today:

morning woke up at 5 am.
bathe& girlfriend say meet later-.-
so i went back sleep.
& girlfriend call--ed me & i woke up.
so after that on comp& play.
--&she miss call me say can go out of hus le.
so i went out.
& went play lan:D
then after that went ciga& makan.
then homeeeeee.:DDD

Sunday, January 20, 2008

morning wake up le went work lo.
i very very very damn lazy, dont feel like waking up.
keep put my alarm snoose. then going late liao~
i faster wake up hahahhaa. lazy de me.
so after that reach le, i found out that i one person doing opening .
omgOMGx= nvmnvm, then do lo.
after work slack with claudia&jialing awhile.
then i went home.
congrat girlfriend& me became team&jiejie also.
&congrat girlfriend being a couple too:DDD

& i wish t pass my Liences for 13 de.
someone help me plsssssss.

& i damn sad today.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

girlfriend&brenda`forever friend& nicole darling& qingren&xingan&all my dearest.
&all my gans ilove you all.

brenda`: anything give me a call i`ll answer de.:DDD

Friday, January 18, 2008

today work afternoon shirt lo.
at 12:D
no manager today lehs, one work ='SONG' hehe!~
so today work not so much customer lahs.
heh heh:D
so after work went home lo.
really sian nehs.

===i think i fell for u.
afternoon woke up, then play-ed comp.
after that jiu di de friends came, ahboi&angela.
then jonathan say meet me so i went out & meet him,
at plaza:D
after that went makan& i went work lo.
after work, play-ed 'tutu' so funny.
after that i went home alone.
that all.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

blog for ytd de. not today de:DD

mmm, in the afternoon woke up le, went bathe.
then play-ed audi& blogging lo:))
so ard 2 , my di de friend came.
damn lotsa ppl kaes:D
got ahboi,angela,cathy,one more girl(forget the name)& my cousin jonathan.
so they came& play-ed audi:D
cathy pro sia, really lo(:
so after that i went meet xiaoqi.
went eat mac& went work tgt lo.
&today work cashier with bb`mei& shasha:D
then it was really really slack siol:D
then during work got two c`b girls, say bb`mei& me
so `ku yi' (in chinese) , come back change the part for chicken,
& change-ed le& when she want went t her sit& she say 'DIAO LAN AH'
omgs, she really making a fool of herself lo.
& i really damn dulan. omgomgomgomg.!!!!!
dont say le, make me more&more dulan siol!
so after work we usually will sit outside the back door de.
& a madmen got drunk-ed & shout-ed, sing-ed. lols.
& daniel almost got a fight with him.
& he keep talking no one answer& layping answer, it damn funny lo.
& the mad-men keep say daniel come come come.
omgs, & he dance like a fool.
siao-da bo. ahaha:D
so after that went home with friends.
bye guys:D

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

i've been tagg-ed(:
by my madcow-shashah& i gonna do it:D

Link to your tagger and post these rules. List eight (8) random facts about yourself. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them). Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

1. i alway blog about my lifestyle, u guy do?
2. i alway wear the same thing t outting, it feel comfortable.
3. the most secret& the most thing t talk with t that person is mygirlfriend.
4. i always camwhore with mostly everytime
5. I`m alway that stupid blur person in the world, i can easily forget thing easily
6. i will laugh none stop when the thing is alrdy over i still laugh. ciao~~
7. i always like t wake up early in two hrs before going out.
8. winniethepooh&piglet my favourite.

the eight ppl t tag're:
today woke up in the afternoon.
so play-ed comp& went bathe, wait-ed for my granny t buy thing for me t eat.
so i was so so so hungry at that time, finally she came back.
with mac de nugget meal:D
so after eating play-ed audi, till 2 hrs like 3 plus,
went down t serangoon centre meet girlfriend, wilson&leixuan.
&after that went lan play audi.
keep win the battle party:DDDD
so after that i went home& agn audi:DD~
fun sia.
that all:DDD
kor,girlfriend,junjie&leixuan~i shot it

tham's buttock
snap shot
the laughter we alway had tgt:)



IT THE #300 post~

sorry guy this few day nvr used comp, cause was busy
so today nvr work, so download pic from phone
so i can put it up:DDDD
hee, i`m free.
this few day not work jiu shi went out.
ilove the day going sentosa with girlfriend&&co:DD
& the pic some is long ago but not so long:DDD
okay, gtg.
& lastly happy birthday jiaqing.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

like two day nvr post le.
okay, let thispost be nice&sweet, teehee!~
hhhhmmmmm, today went work lo.
it kinda boringgg lahs.
&girlfriend came my kfc have lunch:DDDDDD
then work work work.
after work went ciga& home lo.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

this post is for ytd de:DDDD

hmmm , nvr go anywhere luhs,
jiu shi at home all day lo.
can say is lazy t go out.
dontknow why i jiu keep on feel like slp slp slp .
nothing else le:DDDD
so morning woke up can say is afternoon woke up le,
then jiu on comp, then bathe.
after bathing jiu makan lunch.
after lunch jiu audi, all the way till 5 plus.
then watch tv, then makan dinner again.
then watch tv all the way till i slp.
so bored luhs uh.
that all.

for today:DDDD

morning wake up jiu call girlfriend.
&after that went t her hus meet her.
meet her le, went ciga& took bus t cut hair.
reach le, i cut first./
omgggggggggg, it damn damn damn fucking de ugly.
then after cutting , c`b luhs,
then rain came, so we run t the bus stop lo.
&all drench-ed.
aha. then reach girlfriend hus le, jiu audi for awhile,
then we went took bus, she went work& i went home.
then later still muts work.
that all. tata, wont be blogging ltr on.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

sorry ytd did not post,
so now l`m going t post about ytd de thing, seem i so free.
ytd in the morning went work,
work cashier with shimin&hwa jie.
& got lost&lot of customer,.
dontknow why thing few day seem t have lots of customer sia.,
so at three plus not much customer le, lalitha&me
we went up koufu &makan our lunch.
i had chicken rice, she had duck rice.
so after eating we went back.,
& after work, went mac find my cousin,.
had ciga tgt,& went home after that.
that all:DDDD

Sunday, January 06, 2008

today went t work in the morning.
wasss sick lahs, n`b.
nvmmmm, so went work.
so many stupid customer luhs.
hahahaha, psps for saying stupid.
so after work , rush down t compass t meet gf&co,
so ciga le jiu went makan.
after makan went ciga agn&
we took lot of pic:DDDDD
after that went home.
that all:DDDD

Saturday, January 05, 2008

sorry so long didnt blog.
fan luhs, all about my study thing.
dont care much le(:

going t have a fresh start.
my hair from short became long.
wtf man ==!!!
i want t have a hair cut, but no time luhs.
keep working& settling my ite thing.
but i seem t be in my hoilday mood.
hohohohohoooooo, god help me.
alright guy, i`m going for audiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
ilove those whooooooooo love me(:

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

talk about today,
went work in the morning,
i was totally very very de sick, having flu, cough&sore-throat.
pain sia.
but i still went work lo,
after work slack-ed with jialing, claudia&cartoon.
so after that went home myself, i told them i was not feeling
quiet well jiu i went home first.
so reach home do nothing,
was so xinku lahs,
with my flu.
going fever liao.))))):
god save me.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

sorry so long didnt bloggggg,
but it not long luhs, just two day?
ytd work-ed full shift, all the way cashier.
let start from ytd morning, woke up le then bathe jiu went work.
then reach-ed there le, work lo. can say not much customer lahs.
so second shift de takeover come, so went mac eat,
with jialing`precious&her friend.
so after eating went back work lo. wah, so many customer sia.
so after work went buy corn eat, &something funny happen.
hahahahaha,. so went home myself after that.

so talk bout today,
morning woke up jiu play comp.
so after that went t hougang mall with grandma,
so after that sawe jesscia&sharon aunty.
so went foodcourt eat, then home.
reach home le, dye my hair.
eeeeee,. not nice luhs. c`b.
okay luhs, will be countinue after thats.
so aunty, uncle&cousin came my hus,
so i went prepare t go out, so we went t take mrt t vivo.
so after that went walk walk then went upstair, so many ppl sia.
so ltr i say i hungry so daddy say let go eat,
so we all went foodcourt t eat, & i had porridge.
yummy , nice(:
so after that my aunt all want eat bread,
so went down t 'toast box'
so i had a cup of ice-milo&shar-ed with my cousin(:
so after that while waiting for murphy,jason&louis,
cousin&i took lot&lot of pic.
so they reach-ed le we at first want go up de,
but upstair jam sia, so went t clarkquey,
so sian, this year de countdown very de boring sia.
so after that went home lo.