Thursday, January 31, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTY ZABNAL(Dontknow how t really spell)

hmmm, woke up on com, then bathe all that:D
later my cousin jonathan msg--ed me as me wanna meet?
then meet him lo, so took the same bus with ferlyn,Dino& of cause jon.

so reach there le, went mac outside ciga--ed,
after that i went in work lo, then ltr yokehwa& madcow work till 5,
so bbmei, me manyu go had a ciga agn,
but only bbmei & me we have not even start work:D

so i work cashier with my two beloved:D
& with three manager siol, scary bodol.
so after work, had lemon chicken cook--ed by klvin&daniel,
&& after eating gigglypuff came, &after that we celebrat--ed,
aunty zabnal birthday, it was like so fun bodol,
after that went backdoor, & we splash many discusting thing,
like dontknow what siol, even i see le want vomit.

nearly vomit out siol, so after that play--ed card,
& bus--ed home, then gigglypuff&me we both went t cheer,
we bought many thing siol, heeeee.
after that home lo.
goodbye guys:D

boy i really need u,
i miss u by sec)))))))))):

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