Saturday, March 08, 2008


morning wake up, then bathe.
then on at friendster& blog;D after that went audi.
then sian, then online on msn lo, then girlfriend called.
then chat for awhile, then jiu go online audi& play tgt;D
then play awhile my com jiu auto shutdown. _l_ Q.
nvm, then on again;D then now blogging here,
cause ltr going work scared no time t blog mahs;D
that all i have t blog

tag t be reply;DDDDDD

u tell me when our date alright? & girlfriend i miss u too like hell:D
hahahaa;D i definely like this blog skin;D
thank girlfriend... takecare girlfriend;D

edit-ed, 12.30 am;D o8o3o8

before going t work, i went t buy cigg at my hus downstair,
then bus-ed t work, then reach le meet my precious girlfriend
then cigg& went work lo;D then work was okay luhs uh;D
after work, slack with joohniam awhile, cigg-ed
then after that he went off, then went in kfc for supper,
after supper, play card& off t home alone ):
then i cabb-ed home, that all;D


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