Sunday, March 09, 2008

hello my dear dear blogger
now at home going off t kallang there le, with parent;D
before that i went work, then work was okay,
then after work, took cab t meet girlfriend
not within 5 min jiu went home le, bathe& all that,
jiu blog, now going out le, bye guys;D


------->EDITIED(: o9o3o8 6.oo night;D

okay, went hus the bus-stop there wait-ed for dad's de friend come fetch us go.
&reach-ed there le, went have dinner& then after that went bowlling.
it was fun can? ;D i play-ed 5 round. & hand pain luh,
after i play hao le, play my psp& watch dad's& all uncles playing'D
& after they play okay, head-ed t our lao ti fang& have supper.
all having prawn noodles, after that head-ed home;D

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