Wednesday, January 04, 2012

HEYO! it been so long since I've blogged.  Now currently having my short term holiday, Weeeeeee! Due to new job start on the 9TH . But my off day I will use it wisely , but off day = busy day . indeed it real . cause till now I have no rest day . HAHAHAHAH! almost everyday was out! Hope my new job will be good ^_^

What is LOVE?
Once you know that you really liked someone don't let go of it and don't let the person know for the time begin until one day you are confirmed for this. And once you really confirmed , Hint and clue that person cause you might not know what the outcome will be like, but no matter what you still have to tell the person you like him/her , cause in life how many time do we have the chance to let the person know ? don't live your life in regret. I do regret for this , cause you might not know what the outcome was like and maybe that person like you too. If time could rewind , I would like to tell the person ILOVEYOU!

Okay! long grandmother story , HAHAHA