Monday, June 18, 2018


I just don't like the feeling of being force.
Why can't I just do the thing that I like? I don't expect you to accept me for who I am, but please don't force me.
I know you cant accept that I am a lesbian, I am fine. Please don't ever make me choose.
I am an adult, I know what I want.
I am happy with what I want.
How can it be possible to find a guy during this 2 years? I want shane but no one else.
I love you, daddy. I love Shane too.
I don't want any other people. Why do you have to force me to do what I don't want.
If you really want to force me, all I have to do is die, or die.
I just feel like dying. I cant stay positive.
I think I am having some kind of depression. I hate being force. I just want freedom.
You know that the more you force me, the more I will rebel.
Remember last time you force me to go back home early , I got no choice but to rebel.
I really will do that. I really want to die. If I die and you both will feel happy , why not.
I really don't expect you to accept me for who I am, but I just want my freedom. Please don't force me. Do you want to lose a daughter? Or do you want your daughter to be happy?

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